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Join Our North American Distribution Network

Stay Competitive And Add Water Purification To Your Storefront

About Business Connect

Everyone deserves to drink clean, safe water. We are contributing to that end, through and through, by implementing internationally-acclaimed, low-cost water purification solutions around the world. We are Business Connect L3C, a low-profit enterprise, and we are Creating Hope Through Business.

We work in partnership with hundreds of nonprofit organizations, community leaders, retail shops, and other non-governmental organizations to bring clean water everywhere that we can. While we do work in East and South Africa, Latin America, Asia and the Middle East, we also bring clean water to the United States for those who like to be prepared for anything.

See our US retail-specialty product lineup below and submit our interest form to be connected with our sales team. 

We invite you to join the forefront of US water purification.

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We're carrying top-tier products for several types of retail distributors.

Our diverse suite of products is designed to suit your unique needs. We know that not every project benefits from the same solution. That’s why we believe in providing top-quality options for every facet of water purification. From large-scale water filtering to single-use tablets that can fit in your pocket, we offer an option for everyone.

Your Local Wholesale Water Filter Supplier

Based out of Grand Rapids, Michigan, we aim to answer all of your purchasing team’s questions about our products. We are a certified water filter wholesale distributor of Village Water Filters, Uzima Water Filters, Coldstream Filters, Grifaid Family Filters, and Wateroam Filters

Our on-site distributors and specialists work across continents to provide specific, localized information so that you can make the product choice that works best for you. Don’t hesitate to contact us–we love hearing from and supporting you!

Wholesale Water Treatment

The importance of being able to purchase water treatment in-store is critical, and will remain critical for years to come.

Around 73% of shoppers prefer to shop in-store than online. The accessibility and insight shopping in person can afford is especially relevant for water products. When it comes to filtration, it can be helpful to see and try out a unit before taking it home. Being able to talk to someone who understands the variety of factors that go into making this kind of decision can make all the difference.

Furthermore, the municipal and personal water treatment market is forecasted to grow for a number of reasons. Climate change, global conflict, and changing infrastructure are making access to fresh water more scarce. In response, more and more people are turning to water filters and purifiers to make sure they are staying safe and healthy.

Toward the Future

In 2024, we plan to lean further into the outdoor retail market—while still keeping our humanitarian arm as well. 

We have a wonderful lineup of camping and hiking water filters to choose from. Whether you are searching for something lightweight on your week-long journey or for single-use water tablets that quickly purifies your water bottle on a weekend hike, we have something for every type of adventurer.

We prioritize accessibility, portability, and efficiency in all of our products. We’re looking forward to helping you reach that “one last mile” in a sustainable, reliable way.

By Carrying Our Products, You Ease The World’s Water Crisis

We can’t wait to take action against the water crisis: not when 2 billion people worldwide don’t have access to safe, clean water. We know that both short-term and long-lasting change can go hand in hand; that’s why we have made it a priority to support not only our products, but the people who use them.

Every purchase made of Business Connect’s suite of wholesale water purification products contributes to micro-loans for entrepreneurs in the developing world. To carry our products is to choose to make a discernible impact on the world. 

We will keep our end of the deal—our model is one that supports water at the ‘last mile’ in the United States, Latin America, East and South Africa, and in total, 80+ countries.

By getting involved with Business Connect, you are not only receiving great quality products, but contributing to a network that supports sustainability and autonomy.

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