The VF100 Home Filter is a powerful, portable filter that can fit diverse applications. It’s trusted by nongovernmental organizations and aid services around the world to remove contaminants like bacteria and protozoa from water from a variety of sources. One of its key features is its versatility; it attaches to buckets and bottles for effective and reliable filtration – and it’s been making a big difference.
Recently, our partners in Honduras, Goodjustice, have deployed 1,687 VF100 filters to people throughout the country. The impact was remarkable. After the distribution of the filters throughout Honduran communities, adverse symptoms of contaminated water consumption decreased significantly. After two weeks, the percentage of households free of symptoms was at 45.59%, and that number reached 50.2% after eight weeks. Cough, diarrhea, and vomiting also decreased across the board.

Not only that – Goodjustice reported positive effects on families’ economic situations. Having access to reliable water filtration decreased the amount of money set aside for repeatedly buying bottled water. Additionally, drinking clean water dramatically reduced healthcare costs: the healthcare cost for the average household before the introduction of the VF100 was $314.50 HNL. Two weeks after the deployment, this cost dropped to $51.60 HNL. After eight weeks, it became just $27.10 HNL.
Goodjustice’s work and the VF100 demonstrate the multilayered impact of clean water on an entire community. Read more about this powerful filter here.