Desalinated drinking-water provision in water-stressed regions: challenges of consumer-perception and environmental impact lessons from Antofagasta, Chile

Desalinated drinking-water provision in water-stressed regions: challenges of consumer-perception and environmental impact lessons from Antofagasta, Chile

Publication Year:
Šteflová, M.; Koop, S. H. A.; Fragkou, M. C.; Mees, H.
Affiliated Orgs.:
KWR Water Research Institute
Resource Type:
Journal Article
Systematic review and meta-analysis that highlights the effectiveness of water, sanitation, and hygiene interventions in reducing the incidence of diarrhea and other waterborne diseases in children in less developed countries.
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Desalination is increasingly popular for ensuring potable water. Using the City Blueprint Approach methodology in Antofagasta, Chile, we identify the barriers, opportunities and transferable lessons that can enhance governance capacity towards the successful implementation of desalination. Antofagasta’s desalinization programme is associated with negative water-quality perceptions, environmental impacts and high energy demands. Additionally, the supply has a moderate impeding influence on water-use efficiency efforts. Consequently, we draft a priority ladder for water provision in water-scarce regions to: ensure access; reduce consumption; apply reuse; and explore renewable water resources – and if a combination of previous steps is insufficient, desalination may be applied to meet water supply shortages.

Resource Type

Journal Article

Publication Year



Šteflová, M.; Koop, S. H. A.; Fragkou, M. C.; Mees, H.



Organizational Affiliation

KWR Water Research Institute

Relevant Country


Specific Contaminants


University Affiliation

Universidad de Chile, Utrecht University

Business Connect Takeaways

Water governance in the Mekong River Basin is complex and faces many challenges, including conflicting interests among stakeholders, inadequate legal frameworks, and limited institutional capacity
There are several research gaps in the field of water governance in the Mekong River Basin, including the role of civil society in water governance, the impact of climate change on water resources, and the effectiveness of existing water governance mechanisms
Future research in this field should focus on addressing these research gaps and developing a more comprehensive understanding of water governance in the Mekong River Basin

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