Adapting a safe water storage container to improve household stored water quality in rural Burkina Faso: a cluster randomized trial

Adapting a safe water storage container to improve household stored water quality in rural Burkina Faso: a cluster randomized trial

Publication Year:
Anderson, Darcy M.; Fisher, Michael B.; Kwena, Osborn; Kambou, Hermann; Broseus, Romain; Williams, Ashley R.; Liang, Kaida; Ramaswamy, Rohit; Bartram, Jamie
Affiliated Orgs.:
WaterAid, ICF
Resource Type:
Journal Article
Process of adapting a safe water storage container to improve its usability and acceptability among rural households in Malawi and finds that the modified container is well-received and can help to improve water storage and hygiene practices.
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Safe water storage protects household drinking water from microbial contamination, maintaining water quality and preventing diarrhea and other water-borne diseases. However, achieving high adoption and sustained use of safe storage is challenging. Systematic adaptation can address these challenges by improving contextual fit while retaining core functionality to protect water quality. We applied Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycles to systematically adapt a safe water storage container (SWSC) intervention for implementation in rural Burkina Faso. This study describes the adaptation process and the impacts of the SWSC on Escherichia coli contamination in household stored water in a cluster-randomized trial with 49 intervention villages (274 households) and 50 no-intervention control villages (290 households). SWSC adoption among intervention households was high (88.9%). The intervention achieved approximately a 0.4 log reduction in E. coli contamination. Intervention impact was likely moderated by differential changes in improved source use across intervention and control households. Safe storage improves water quality when used consistently. PDSA frameworks can guide the adaptation of safe storage interventions to optimize adoption and sustained use in new contexts while preserving core functions that protect water quality.

Resource Type

Journal Article

Publication Year



Anderson, Darcy M.; Fisher, Michael B.; Kwena, Osborn; Kambou, Hermann; Broseus, Romain; Williams, Ashley R.; Liang, Kaida; Ramaswamy, Rohit; Bartram, Jamie



Organizational Affiliation

WaterAid, ICF

Relevant Country

Burkina Faso

Specific Contaminants

Bacteria, Escherichia coli

Specific Solutions

Aquagenx compartment bag test

University Affiliation

UNC Water Institute, University of Leeds

Business Connect Takeaways

Safe water storage containers can help to improve drinking water quality in rural communities by reducing the risk of contamination from external sources.
Modifications to the design of safe water storage containers, such as the addition of a tap and a lid with a locking mechanism, can further enhance their effectiveness in preventing contamination.
Community engagement and education are important factors in the successful implementation and adoption of safe water storage containers in rural communities.

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