Health risk assessment of nitrate pollution of drinking groundwater in rural areas of Suihua, China

The article presents a health risk assessment of nitrate pollution in groundwater in a rural area of China.
Author(s): Sun, Qifa; Yang, Ke; Liu, Tao; Yu, Junbo; Li, Chunhai; Yang, Dexian; Hu, Chen; Guo, Lin
Published: 2023
Language: English
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Additional Information

In order to investigate the health risks of NO3− in rural drinking groundwater in Suihua, China and provide a basis for healthy drinking water, 40 sets of groundwater samples were collected in the Suihua area, and the average concentration of nitrate in the study area was 71.66 mg/L, statistical analysis software (SPSS19), Hydrogeochemical Analysis Software (AqQA) and groundwater pollution analysis software were used. Through water sample collection, chemical analysis and construction of human health risk model (HHRA), a qualitative and quantitative assessment of NO3− health risk was carried out for people of different ages and sexes, and it was concluded that there was NO3− pollution health risk in rural drinking groundwater in Suihua. Health risk level: infants > children > adult females > adult males. The evaluation provides a scientific basis for the prevention and control of NO3− pollution in groundwater and new ideas for preventing human health risks.