Climate change and groundwater overdraft impacts on agricultural drought in India: Vulnerability assessment, food security measures and policy recommendation

The main objective of this study is to estimate the drought vulnerability in changing climate which eventually influences the food security of India.
Author(s): Roy, Paramita; Pal, Subodh Chandra; Chakrabortty, Rabin; Chowdhuri, Indrajit; Saha, Asish; Shit, Manisa
Published: 2022
Language: English
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The problem of drought in India is a major issue in terms of various adverse impacts on livelihood of society. Drought Early Warning System (DEWS), a real-time drought-monitoring tool, has reported that over a fifth of India's geographical area (21.06 %) is suffering drought-like situations. This is 62 % larger than the drought-affected area during the same period last year, which was 7.86 %. Drought affects 21.06 %, with conditions ranging from unusually dry to extremely dry. While 1.63 % and 1.73 % of the area are experiencing ‘extreme’ or ‘exceptional’ dry conditions, 2.17 % is experiencing ‘severe’ dry conditions. Under ‘moderate’ dry circumstances, up to 8.15 % is possible. In this perspective groundwater vulnerability assessment in the overall country is needed for implementing the sustainable and long-term strategies for escaping from this type of hazardous situation. The main objective of this study is to estimate the drought vulnerability in changing climate which eventually influences the food security of India. The groundwater overdraft is one of the crucial elements in agricultural drought vulnerability. Various related parameters have been selected for estimating the drought vulnerability and its impact to food security in India. Here, MaxEnt (maximum entropy) and ANN (analytical neural network) has been considered in this perspective. The AUC values for the training datasets in the ANN and MaxEnt model are 0.891 and 0.921, respectively. The AUC values in ANN and MaxEnt model for the validation datasets are 0.876 and 0.904, respectively. Here MaxEnt model is most optimal than ANN considering predictive accuracy. From this study analysis it is established that western, south and middle portion of country is very much prone to drought vulnerability. So, special emphases in terms of the regional planning have to be taken into consideration for sustainable planning.