Selecting household water filters in emergencies: a manual for field evaluation

The document "FHNW Water Filters Evaluation Final" provides a comprehensive guide for planning and conducting filter evaluation studies in various contexts. It emphasizes the importance of setting clear boundaries and milestones to make informed decisions throughout the study. The manual covers study design, planning, implementation, and follow-up strategies, including considerations for user support post-study. It includes information sheets on study questions, phases, implementation, results-based decision-making, and specific sections on filter evaluation, logistics, distribution, technical performance, and user acceptance. The document also highlights the use of resources like the KoBo form for observation checklists and considerations for video-recorded observations. Overall, the manual serves as a valuable resource for organizations and researchers involved in water filter evaluation studies.
Author(s): Maryna Peter, Miriam Harter
Published: 2021
Language: English
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