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Health Impact of Community-Based Water Treatment Systems in Honduras

Journal Article
Health impacts of water poverty on indigenous communities in the Peruvian Amazon, including increased rates of waterborne diseases, malnutrition, and infant mortality.

Water-related Diseases

Overview of the global burden of water-related diseases, including diarrheal diseases, cholera, typhoid fever, and hepatitis A.

Waterborne Parasites

Provides information on common waterborne parasites and the health risks associated with them. The guide also discusses various water treatment methods that can be used to remove or inactivate these parasites, including filtration, chlorination, and solar disinfection.

Water Treatment Methods

The article provides an overview of various water treatment methods, including filtration, disinfection, and chemical treatment.


Discusses the global burden of cholera, a bacterial infection that causes severe diarrhea and dehydration, and can lead to death if left untreated.

Introduction To Safe Water

Discusses the importance of safe water access as a fundamental human right, and the need for a multi-sectoral approach to addressing the water crisis, which includes not only water and sanitation infrastructure but also health education.

Water Quality Testing

Shows the importance of testing for different types of contaminants, such as bacteria, viruses, and chemicals, and the methods used to detect and measure these contaminants.

Chlorine Tablet Use for Household Water Treatment in Emergencies: Guidance for Tablet Selection

The guide provides information on the use of chlorine tablets as a water treatment method in emergency situations, such as natural disasters or humanitarian crises.

Sustaining Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment Systems: An Example from Bangladesh

The brief provides an overview of reverse osmosis (RO) as a water treatment method for households, including how it works, its benefits and limitations, and factors to consider when selecting an RO system.

USAID Water and Sanitation Results

USAID's efforts to improve water security and access to safe drinking water in developing countries