The article discusses the discrepancy between laboratory and field performance of point-of-use water treatment (POUWT) techniques and proposes a strategy to help mitigate the research gap and explore the potential to improve current health risk assessments and recommendations by public health entities and manufacturers of POUWT products.
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In this Perspective, we present evidence that indicates a discrepancy between laboratory and field performance of point of use water treatment (POUWT) techniques, identified via a narrative review process to investigate the origin of the LRV comparison estimates reported by the WHO. We considered only peer-reviewed articles that reported laboratory and field log reduction values (LRVs) for the same POU technology. We will present a summary of explanations that have been offered by the literature regarding such discrepancies; the potential implications of the “laboratory versus field” data discrepancy; and potential risks posed by conflating the two. Finally, in view of this discussion, we propose a strategy to help mitigate the research gap and explore the potential to improve current health risk assessments and ultimately, recommendations by public health entities and manufacturers of POUWT products.