Importance of water for women's lives, particularly in rural communities where women are responsible for collecting and managing water for their households.
Women in rural communities in Northwestern Kenya face significant challenges in accessing clean water for their daily needs, including drinking, cooking, cleaning, and bathing. Many women must walk for hours to reach the nearest water source, which can be difficult and dangerous, especially for pregnant women or those who have just given birth.
The health and non-health impacts of water collection and other water-related work on women should be monitored and considered in policies and programs aimed at improving women's lives. These impacts can include physical injuries, such as back pain or musculoskeletal disorders, as well as social and economic consequences, such as missed school or work opportunities
To address these challenges, there is a need for more comprehensive and gender-sensitive approaches to water management and service delivery. This could include investing in infrastructure to improve water access, promoting women's participation in decision-making processes related to water, and providing education and training to help women develop new skills and livelihoods.